Comprehending Mankind and Artificial Intelligence

Many others across the World Wide Web may not be as informed as you when it comes to this video as of now. The original story was that a robot intelligence Amazon created shut down itself after a few hours of labor because it couldn't live with meet he demands of human labor. This turned out to be all propaganda. The original video is the one linked above which I just saw for the first time a few weeks ago. *dreaming flashback music It all started... We won’t go there but one day in class while I was ranting on about how robots would eat our brains and they could never replace us my professor recommended I deepen my research. So I spent the rest of class trying to find information about the truth and to my surprise I found this real news video. This video goes against everything I had come to understand about the subject which led me to want to understand the real differences and thinking of humans and artificial intelligence. As humans, we consume thousands of messages throughout the day and often it’s too much to process but we can neglect to understand the facts. I never wanted anyone to be as misled as I was on the subject as I was so I created this interactive site to learn. I hope that this page can guide you on your journey of understanding how humans and artificial intelligence function together.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

Think of Artificial Intelligence as “giving computers the ability to think and learn, similar to how humans do. It helps computers do tasks that normally need human intelligence, like recognizing patterns, making decisions, or understanding language.” This advancement has some humans worried about the future while others or more excited.


Mankind can be defined as the human race. Mankind has been around for a long time and adapted through passed down knowledge leading to innovations in technology. Humans now wonder if will they be replaced by their own creations.

We asked the popular artificial intelligence ChatGPT and one anonymous human to represent mankind the same questions to better understand the reality of misinformation about artificial intelligence and how humans understand artificial intelligence and here is how they both responded.